Welcome To SiBORG Design Lab

SImulation BiOmechanics Robotics and computer Graphics

Siborg Design Lab

Computational Human Centered Design

Who We Are

We are a diverse interdisciplinary group of researchers, designers, and developers

What We Do

We study computational methods for improving design processes and human simulation

Our Goal

To improve accessibility and human experience in the built environment

Automated Segmentation of One-Dimensional (1D) Data

seg1d is an open-source Python package for the automated segmentation of one-dimensional data using one or more reference segments.

NJIT Design Student and Oncologist Work to Make Life Easier for Patients with Mediports

Johmary Adames ’24 and Dr. Krupesh Patel have joined forces to create a protective cover to shield patients’ mediports.

Discovering the Metaverse

Welcome to AI in Design, where the intersection of artificial intelligence and creative design is explored.  This course is designed for students who are interested in using AI to enhance their artistic projects and presentations.

An Array of Humanoid Robots to Help

Mathew Schwartz, an assistant professor at the New Jersey Institute of Technology’s College of Architecture and Design, has been working on TOCABI (Torque Controlled compliAnt BIped) for eight years. His team began working on the robot’s lower legs in 2013 and the upper body design in 2016.

EEG Navigation in Virtual Reality

Research EEG Navigation in Virtual Reality Authorcadop This project is a demonstration of using the emotiv Epoc wireless EEG device as a navigation system for virtual reality. The work was done during employment at the University of Michigan 3D Lab...

Design Professor Embraces AI to Quantify Accessibility of Buildings

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but walkability could be evaluated by algorithms, according to new research from an unconventional professor in NJIT's Hillier College of Architecture and Design.