Welcome To SiBORG Design Lab

SImulation BiOmechanics Robotics and computer Graphics

Siborg Design Lab

Computational Human Centered Design

Who We Are

We are a diverse interdisciplinary group of researchers, designers, and developers

What We Do

We study computational methods for improving design processes and human simulation

Our Goal

To improve accessibility and human experience in the built environment

Humanoid NAO Tiling Experiment

Robotics Humanoid NAO Tiling Experiment Authorcadop Since the time architecture and construction has embraced robotics, the pre-fab movement has grown rapidly. As the possibilities for new design and fabrication emerge from creativity and need, the application and use...

A Crowd Simulation Backend for Omniverse Create

A crowd simulator API with a default demo scene. The main python API can be used in a few ways. There is an examples folder showing a few use-cases. Users can also switch between social forces and PAM as the crowds algorithm.

A URDF Exporter for Fusion 360

This a modified version of the fusion2urdf (https://github.com/syuntoku14/fusion2urdf) and fusion2pybullet (https://github.com/yanshil/Fusion2PyBullet) repositories.

Universal Design Manikin

Research Universal Design Manikin Authorcadop Universal Design Manikin (UD Man) is a research project developed around human factors for both design and architecture.  The work simulates and visualizes a variety of human factors such as reach ability, vision,...

Industrial Design Studio

What goes into making a product? Are solutions made for problems, or are the problems created for a solution?  This studio class introduces students to the pipeline of creating a product from the ground up. Throughout the semester, students work on idea generation, prototyping, packaging, marketing, and evaluating their designs. 

Pediatric Ambulatory Device

The project was to consider the lectures given regarding movement and think of a sport of activity that can have predetermined "good" and "bad" movements.